Double Entry Vibrators
- Black
- Blue
- Dark Red
- Mint
- Pink
- Purple
- Black
- Black
- Violet
- Light Blue
- Pink
- Blue
- Red
- Red
- Bluegrey
- White
- Blue
- Violet
- Black
- Pink
- Blue
- Black
- White/Gold
- Cherry
- Ivory
- Brown
- Pink
- Pink
- Blue
- Pink
- Mint
- Black
- Deep Rose
There are two distinct types of double entry vibrators. The first type is a unisex design that is, in essence, a two-partner dong. There often are vibrating heads on both ends of a silicone or rubber dildo that two individuals can use simultaneously. The other type is a solo device that is equipped with two penetrating probes oriented in the same direction. One is usually shaped like a real penis, but the other is a slightly smaller rounded probe. The realistic extension is for vaginal penetration and lifelike stimulation. The other, gently slides into the rectum where it provides internal vibrations against the tissue walls and membranes within the pelvic region. A woman’s anatomy is full of nerve bundles that are sometimes difficult to reach. Coordinated vaginal and rectal vibrations encompass all “secret zones” for a compounding effect.
Some users can only concentrate on one direct penetrating sensation at a time. Other women need multiple, aggressive erotic points of contact in order to orgasm. Double entry vibrators occupy the entire pelvic region during masturbation and foreplay periods. Double entry vibrators are most often made from chemical-free silicone, latex or rubber and can either be stationary, or fully powered. Fully powered models often have separate vibration controls and moving mechanisms for each of the two probes. These devises do take some practice before expert use, but they are worth the time spent.